What Is Immediate Blast?

Immediate Blast is a website developed for the average person looking to become an informed investor. We position ourselves as a bridge linking anyone interested in investing with an investment education firm suitable for their learning objectives. Our driving motto is financial literacy.

What Do We At Immediate Blast

We’re about helping the little guy looking to become an informed investor. But we welcome intermediate or expert investors as well. The investment scene is dynamic; there’s always something to learn. We collect the details of anyone who registers with us and allow our algorithm to choose tutors suitable for their individual learning experience.

What Is Our Inspiration At Immediate Blast?

Our team at Immediate Blast realized that over 70% of average people do not make informed investment choices. A common factor for this was the difficulty of finding tutors that fit their learning objectives. 

Immediate Blast breaks the cycle by introducing people to fitting investment education firms.

What Is Our Vision At Immediate Blast?

Our vision at Immediate Blast is to become a leading name in the investment education sphere. We hope to create a world where financial literacy is second nature. With every registration, Immediate Blast comes closer to this vision.

Immediate Blast Is Available For All And Data-Secure

To meet up with our vision, we designed our website to be a global citizen. Language is no longer an obstacle to financial enlightenment.

Immediate Blast is also designed to protect the personal information of our users. People can provide the information we need to connect them to suitable tutors without concern.

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